If you no longer wish to be enrolled in a class, you may be able to drop or withdraw. Whether or not you can drop or withdraw from a class depends on where you are in the semester.
Dropping a course – if you drop a course, it disappears from your class schedule, you are not charged tuition, and nothing appears on your transcript. You can drop a course up until the last date to qualify for a refund for your class session, which can be found on the academic calendar.
Withdrawing from a course – if you are past the last date for a refund, you may still be able to withdraw from a course. If you withdraw, you will be assigned a grade of W and that will appear on your official and unofficial transcript. A grade of W does not impact your GPA. You will still owe tuition for a withdrawn class. You can withdraw from a class up until the last day to withdraw without a grade penalty for your class session, which can be found on the Academic Calendar. Contact the  Financial Aid office if you are using any aid, and your academic advisor if you are assigned one.
We recommend that you talk with your professor before withdrawing, as well as our Financial Aid office if you are using any aid, and your academic advisor if you are assigned one.
The process for dropping or withdrawing from classes is different depending on what type of classes you are taking.
- For students taking credit college classes to complete a program or to transfer to another school – .
- Dual Enrollment Students – Contact the Dual Enrollment Office
- Senior citizen audit students – Contact Enrollment Services